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itung-itung update trus :)

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Upgrade Prestasi

Ya Allah maaf ni postnya telat banget
Dari Mei Sampai Juli tuh kita pada sibuk mengemban tugas sebagai Duta Anak di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, teman-teman.. :)
Kita tuh maksudnya (Saya dan Treatment rekan aku dari SMANSA Makale)

Foto diatas apresiasi kita untuk Dirgahayu Indonesia ke-68 :)

yang foto ini taken waktu penilaian kabupaten sehat bulan juni lalu kayaknya (udah lupa soalnya)

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Today I learned about MPS (Marginal Propensity to Save) prepared for tomorrow's Olympiad


Calculation of MPS

MPS can be calculated as the change in savings divided by the change in income.

MPS=\frac{\text{Change in Savings}}{\text{Change in Income}}

Or mathematically, the marginal propensity to save (MPS) function is expressed as the derivative of the savings (S) function with respect to disposable income (Y).

MPS=\frac{dS}{dY} where, dS=Change in Savings and dY=Change in income.

An example

Savings Income
A 200 1000
B 400 1500

Now, MPS can be calculated as follows:

Change in savings = (400-200) = 200

Change in income = (1500-1000) = 500

MPS = (Change in savings) / (Change in income)

so, MPS = 200/500 = 0.4

This implies that for each additional one unit of income, the savings increase by 0.4.

There are different implications of this above-mentioned formula.

  • First it quantifies induced savings.Induced saving is the portion of saving that responds to changes in income. In other words, induced saving can be defined as the household saving that depends on income or production (especially disposable income, national income, or even gross domestic product)

  • Second, it is a measure of slope of the savings function.

Value of MPS

Since MPS is measured as ratio of change in savings to change in income, its value lies between 0 and 1.Also, marginal propensity to save is opposite of marginal propensity to consume.

Mathematically, In a closed economy, MPS + MPC = 1 since an increase in one unit of income will be either consumed or saved.

In the above example, If MPS = 0.4, then MPC = 1 - 0.4 = 0.6.

Generally, it is assumed that value of marginal propensity to save for the richer is more than the marginal propensity to save for the poorer. If income increases for both parties by $1, then the propensity to save for a richer person would be more than that for the poorer person.

This is materials are from Internet I hope you guys can learn it as well..

And it's last year to join the economic Olympiad remembering that i am in the second year of senior high now, so i use this very oppurtunity very well. Support in pray, guys!! Love ya!

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My Roommate in KOMPeK 15

These pics taken by BlackBerry-nya kak Dillah from SMAN 2 Pangkajene dan Kepulauan (Pangkep) -- My Roommate, selain itu ada Guru pembimbing dari MAN 2 Pekanbaru trus Qanita peserta EDC dari MAN Insan Cendekia Gorontalo

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Olimpiade Ekonomi STIE Muhammadiyah Palopo Annually

Tahun lalu kita wakili sekolah untuk event bergengsi ini, meskipun setingkat Luwu Raya, Tana Toraja dan Enrekang aja, kita Puji Syukur banget nyabet trophy yang bertuliskan "Juara I" WOW banget ya Tuhan!! Nah event yang rutin tiap tahun ini akan diadain lagi bulan ini tanggal 9. Nah, kacau ternyata pemirsa.. Lomba ini tabrakan sama Accest (Accounting Contest) yang diadain sama STIE YPUP Makassar! Tapi kita harus tetap semangat dan tetap bagi tim, sempat aja kan kita ada "LUCK" dikedua lomba ini!! Truss semangat yaa teman-teman, keep moving forward and give the best for our proudly school. :)

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We were visiting Museum Bank Indonesia

Sebenernya ini bukan merupakan rangkaian kegiatan OAPM (Olimpiade Akuntansi dan Pasar Modal) sih, buddies.. Tapi panitia ada inisiatif buat ngajak kita keliling daripada ngelantur dikamar seharian.. This what I looking for..
Actually it's my first time at Kota Tua, Jakarta. I am kind of strange, everyone.. :') (shy)..
In this pic (me-with the yellowish t-shirt and untidy hair, pardon.. with the girls from SMAN 3 Palopo, SMAIT As-Syifa Tuban and SMAN 1 Karawang)..
We spent 45 minutes in here and check out to continue our trip to Monas..

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